Visit Our Service Repair Shop for Your Car Tuneups

Keep your car running efficiently. New Liberty Tires and Wash LLC is a renowned service repair shop that provides quality car tuneups. We could work for any business and regular clients in Miami, FL. We deliver services that conform to the current standards and best practices. Don’t miss the fantastic services we offer. Enjoy them at an affordable price.

Service Repair Shop in Miami, FL

Series of mechanic patching puncture tubeless tire. Plugs being inserted into puncture area.

What we can do

Familiar with every model and brand of the car, we can give you an auto tuneup that fits your car’s needs. We can change spark plugs, oil, air filters, and oil filters. We inspect fuel injectors. If you like to know when is the right time to visit us, you could read your car’s manual or check our representatives on the line. We’ll be happy to find some ways to increase or maintain the value of your car.

Why hire us?

New Liberty Tires and Wash LLC cares about the interests of its regular customers. If you choose us as your service repair shop, we’ll make sure to give you quality tuneup service. If you want, we could be your long term mechanic. We’ll continue monitoring the condition of your car, giving you a heads up for its maintenance schedule and repair needs. Our people are well trained and highly experienced. With our strategic service costs, you can now enjoy quality service at a cheap price!

Service Repair Shop in Miami, FL

Your car is not invincible

Cars are expensive. Unfortunately, they are not invisible. They won’t last in a decade without receiving proper maintenance and care. We know how much you loved your car and how much you care about your investments. As a countermeasure to deterioration, as early as now, make it a habit to visit the service repair shop. Experts could help.

Visit our top-rated Service Repair Shop!

Service Repair Shop in Miami, FL

Are you looking for a reputable auto repair shop in Miami, FL for your car tuneups? Call New Liberty Tires and Wash LLC now at (786) 936-0996.

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